PP June 2020 Covid Work Survey

Welcome to your PP July 2020 Covid Work Survey.

As the world is starting to emerge from COVID shutdowns there seems to be agreement that we are all looking at a NEW normal with regard to both work and life. We would love to get your perspective on how you see your work situation moving forward so that we know the sorts of opportunities you are going to be wanting and so that we can share this information with our clients and keep them up to date with what prospective employees priorities are.

We would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete the attached survey for us. We will share the results with you once we have compiled them If you have friends/colleagues who don’t follow our page but would like to give us their thoughts please share the link with them – we are happy to hear from everyone!!

Which statement best sums up your perspective on work?
Which work option do you prefer?
Which work environment do you prefer?
Has your preference to work environment changed during the COVID period and if so how?
What are the three most important things you look for in a job?
What are the three most important things you look for in an employer?
I am in my:
Email Address - If you would like to receive an email with the results.