Our expert consultants bring a wealth of experience. Your
Dedicated Team

Job Seekers

Our expert consultants bring a wealth of experience aimed at finding the right job that best fits your goals and expectations. Our dedicated team take the time to discuss:

  • Long and short term goals (including both contract and permanent opportunities)
  • Current skills base
  • Relevant market trends
  • Salary/rate expectations and objectives

Our goal is your happiness and complete satisfaction with the experience and partnership you have with Progressive People.

Our extensive and broad base of clients cater to various industries across Australia and our experienced consultants are available to assist you.

Our positions are advertised on various job boards, platforms and through utilisation of our extensive database.

If there isn’t a current job that suits your skill set register your information with our expert consultants to enable specified job alerts.

We pride ourselves on our ethical work practices, industry knowledge and professionalism and have a strong focus on confidentiality and support.

30+ Years Of Experience In IT Recruitment

With a combined recruitment experience spanning several decades, the dedicated staff at Progressive People offer a wealth of knowledge and experience in talent acquisition. The fast and efficient approach can deliver you a number of optimal candidates that will match your technical requirements and also the culture of your business.

company established

Our specialised consultants are here to source and ensure the right candidate for your organisation

contact info

Progressive People

Level 4, 63 Foveaux Street
Surry Hills
NSW, 2010


(02) 9957-1477


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